Asbestos Warning signs
Do you need to display asbestos warning signs in the UK?
The HSE Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012) require that appropriate warning signs be displayed in any area where there is a risk of exposure to asbestos. The signs must be clear, concise, and easy to understand. They must also be in a prominent position where they are likely to be seen by anyone who may be at risk of exposure.
The CAR 2012 do not specify the exact wording or design of the warning signs, but they do provide some guidance. An asbestos warning sign should include the following information:
- The word "Asbestos"
- A warning of the danger of exposure to asbestos
- A statement that the area should not be entered unless it is safe to do so
- The name and contact details of the person responsible for managing the asbestos
The CAR 2012 also require that the warning signs be maintained in good condition and that they are replaced if they become damaged or illegible.
Whether or not you need to display asbestos warning signs in the UK will depend on the specific circumstances. If you are unsure, you should seek advice from a qualified asbestos professional.
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