Safety Signs Quiz 2
What health and safety symbol should be used to indicate that you should use ear protection? Test your safety signs knowledge with our latest healt...
What health and safety symbol should be used to indicate that you should use ear protection? Test your safety signs knowledge with our latest healt...
What sign symbol should you use to identify an emergency exit? Test your safety signs knowledge with these health and safety signs quiz questions a...
I recently came across a news article that stated that Nottingham Council are considering implementing a staff smoking break ban. This ban is set to affect thousands of employees as no smoking signs invade what were previously approved smoking zones. The new smoking breaks policy is to include e-cigarettes and will also prevent staff in uniform smoking on their journey to and from the workplace.
Were you aware that smoking in the workplace can result in a worker being fined up to £200 pounds (1) and businesses can face a charge of up to £2500 pounds? However, fines are not the only reason why smoking prohibition signs are mandatory within many environments. Should a company be working with hazardous chemicals or flammable liquids, the dangers become obvious. So, the regulations in regards to workplace smoking have change dramatically.
Did you know that the smoking laws in England changed again in 2015? From the 1st of October 2015 it is illegal to smoke in cars, and other vehicles, carrying children under the age of 18. The purpose of this new law is to protect children from the harm of second-hand smoke.
In the UK, it is illegal to smoke in an enclosed public area or workplace. Because of this employers, usually, only allow their staff to smoke on their premises in a designated smoking area which is outside. To abide by the smoking laws businesses are required to:
The consequences for not adhering to the law can incur penalties and fines.
The Sign Shed keeps employees, contractors and visitors safe from harm across tens of thousands of UK workplaces every year with our range of UK signs. We're often approached by new employers wanting guidance on how to a) detect electrical hazards in the workplace, and b) make sure that everyone is aware of them.
In any business environment – from corporate to retail – stress is the biggest threat to satisfactory health and safety provision.
Chronic stress is not merely a pesky yet more or less benign response to a healthy workload; it is a persistent disorder that not only impairs a worker’s productivity and performance, but their perception as well.
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