What is an assembly point sign? - The Sign Shed

What is an assembly point sign?

What is an assembly point sign?

An assembly point sign is a visual cue that indicates a designated location where people should gather in the event of an emergency, such as a fire or other hazard. These signs play a critical role in promoting safe evacuation procedures and ensuring the orderly movement of individuals during emergencies.

Purpose of Assembly Point Signs

Assembly point signs serve several essential purposes in enhancing emergency preparedness and response:

  1. Clearly Identify Designated Gathering Areas: Assembly point signs provide clear and unambiguous identification of areas where people should congregate in case of an evacuation.

  2. Facilitate Orderly Evacuation: By directing individuals to designated assembly points, these signs help to streamline the evacuation process and minimize confusion or panic during emergencies.

  3. Enable Headcount and Accountability: Assembly points allow emergency personnel to quickly assess the number of evacuees and account for all individuals present in the building or area.

  4. Promote Compliance with Regulations: Assembly point signs may be mandated by regulations to ensure that adequate and visible designated gathering areas are established in various settings, such as workplaces, public buildings, and residential complexes.

Design and Symbolism of Assembly Point Signs

Assembly point signs follow standardised designs and symbols to ensure consistent identification and understanding:

  1. Green Circle with White Running Figure: The universally recognized symbol for an assembly point consists of a green circle with a white stylized figure running towards it.

  2. Clear and Concise Text: Assembly point signs typically include the phrase "Assembly Point" or "Designated Gathering Area" to clearly convey their purpose.

  3. Directional Arrows: Some assembly point signs may incorporate arrows pointing towards the designated gathering area, providing additional visual guidance.

  4. Multilingual Signage: In areas with diverse populations, assembly point signs may be translated into multiple languages to ensure comprehension by all individuals.

Placement of Assembly Point Signs

Assembly point signs should be strategically placed in visible locations along evacuation routes and near exits, ensuring that they are easily seen by occupants during an emergency. They should be positioned at a height that is easily seen by occupants, typically between 6 feet and 8 feet from the floor. Signs should be placed in both indoor and outdoor locations, considering the potential for an emergency to occur in any part of the building or area.

Examples of Assembly Point Signs

Common examples of assembly point signs include:

  1. Standard Assembly Point Signs: These signs feature the green circle symbol with the white running figure and the phrase "Assembly Point."

  2. Directional Assembly Point Signs: These signs incorporate directional arrows pointing towards the designated gathering area, providing additional guidance.

  3. Multilingual Assembly Point Signs: These signs display the assembly point message in multiple languages, catering to diverse populations.

  4. Temporary Assembly Point Signs: These signs are used for temporary evacuation situations, such as construction sites or events, and can be easily moved or replaced as needed.

HSE Guidelines

The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) in the UK provides guidelines for the placement and design of assembly point signs, emphasizing the importance of their role in emergency preparedness. These guidelines recommend:

  1. Strategic Placement: Position assembly point signs in visible locations along evacuation routes and near exits.

  2. Clear and Consistent Design: Adhere to standardized designs and symbols for assembly point signs to ensure consistent recognition.

  3. Regular Maintenance: Ensure that assembly point signs are clean, well-maintained, and free from damage or obscuration.

  4. Compliance with Regulations: Follow relevant regulations regarding the placement and design of assembly point signs in specific settings.


Assembly point signs are essential components of emergency preparedness plans, providing clear guidance and direction to individuals during evacuation procedures. By clearly identifying designated gathering areas, promoting orderly evacuation, enabling headcount and accountability, and complying with regulations, assembly point signs contribute to a safer and more secure environment for everyone.

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