What are authorised entry signs? - The Sign Shed

What are authorised entry signs?

Authorised entry signs, also known as restricted access signs, are used to indicate that an area is restricted to authorised personnel only. These signs are typically used in workplaces, warehouses, construction sites, and other areas where there is a potential for safety hazards or sensitive information.

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The Art of Defence: Removing Unwanted Guests from Private Property - The Sign Shed

The Art of Defence: Removing Unwanted Guests from Private Property

So, what exactly does 'reasonable force' mean? Picture this: someone has wandered onto your lawn. A gentle but firm verbal request to leave should suffice. Now, imagine a scenario where the trespasser becomes aggressive and poses a direct threat to you or your property. In such cases, you may have to employ slightly more force, always ensuring it’s proportional to the threat faced.

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