Top 10 First Aid Tips - The Sign Shed

Top 10 First Aid Tips

Top 10 First Aid Tips

First aid is the lifesaving, critical help administered to an injured or sick person to reduce the risk of their health from worsening further as they wait for medical aid to arrive. This assistance often comprises of simple medical techniques that are most critical to the victim and are often lifesaving. Anyone can be trained to administer first aid, so it's essential to learn these first aid tips because you never know when a situation may arise that requires your help.

Here are ten basic first aid tips that everyone should know.

The Three Ps

These are the primary goals of first aid. They include; preserve life, prevent further injury and promote recovery. More often than not, when an individual is injured, it's easy to panic and forget what you need to do to help. The three Ps are here to remind you of the basics; do what you can to save the individual’s life, do what you can to protect them from further injuries and ensure their safety, and do what you can to help them heal.

How to Treat A Sprain

A sprain occurs when the ligaments around a joint are overstretched. Sprains are usually followed by swelling or a bruise around the affected area. Apply ice every 20 minutes throughout the first day. Wrapping a bandage and elevating the limb may also help. To promote blood flow, use heat around the affected area. If the injury doesn't improve in a few days, call a doctor because you may have a fracture or a muscle ligament.

How to Stop a Bleeding Nose

Blood vessels in the nose break leading to a nose bleed. When this happens, lean forward, pinch your nose between the cartilage and the bone, and maintain pressure for 5 to 15 minutes. You can press an ice pack against the bridge and don’t tilt your head backwards to avoid blood going into your lungs or swallowing it. If the bleeding doesn’t stop after 20 minutes and is accompanied by headaches, dizzying, vision problems or ringing in the ear, please consult a doctor.

Treating Burns

In this scenario, safety comes first. Ensure the victim is away from the source of fire and he or she is comfortable, then compress the burnt area with a piece of wet clothing to prevent the skin from further damage. Rush to a doctor if the victim has watery eyes, is coughing or has trouble breathing.


A victim with diarrhoea suffers from dehydration very quickly. Your primary objective is to make sure the victim is hydrated since the body is losing a lot of water. You can also administer a diet that contains lots of fluid and anti-diarrhoea medication until you see signs of improvement.

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Anything from cleaning supplies, pesticides or even bites or stings are hazards and can cause poisoning. If the victim is unconscious or has trouble breathing, do not induce vomiting; instead, call a doctor. Also, the victim shouldn't consume anything in case of suspected poisoning.

Animal bites

In case of an animal bite, apply pressure on the wound to stop bleeding and gently clean it with soap and water. You can use an antibiotic cream to prevent infection and cover it with a sterile bandage. If the animal was a wild or stray one, get medical help regardless of the severity of the injury to reduce the risks of an infection.

Eye injury

If there is chemical exposure in your eyes, wash your eyes with lots of water and get medical help while you are doing this. If there is any bleeding, bruising or change in vision, contact the doctor right away. If there is a foreign particle in the eye, open your eyelid gently and blink continuously. You can also rinse and check if the particle is still there. If none of that helps, contact a doctor immediately.


When a person is choking, they can't cough properly, speak or breathe, and their face may turn red or blue, and that's a warning sign to take action. Have the person lean forward and strike the back between the shoulders five times with the palm of your hand. If that doesn’t work, hold the victim from behind, place your fist above the belly, hold your fist with your other hand, and then apply pressure in and up towards the ribs. If you are alone, quickly look for something firm and press your abdomen on it or use your hands. Do not drink water or give water to an individual who is choking.

CPR classes

You can attend first aid courses to learn first aid lifesaving skills because you never know, you may just save your life or someone’s life. And always seek help; you should not treat first aid as conclusive medical care. Always contact a doctor after you have done a first aid procedure on a victim or yourself.

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