Wet floors: your responsibilities to keep customers safe - The Sign Shed

Wet floors: your responsibilities to keep customers safe

Slippery When Wet Customer Hazards

Highly visible ‘Caution: Wet Floor’ signs are frequently seen in public areas such as shops, schools and local authority buildings, even during the daytime when customer footfall is high. In an ideal world, businesses would delay cleaning until after working hours in order to ensure that members of the public are not required to walk over potentially slippery floors but this is not always possible.

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Food safety in catering - The Sign Shed

Food safety in catering

Food safety in the catering industry 

Working in the catering industry is an amazing career choice. The opportunities for career progression and variety are pretty much boundless if you love working with food. However, food safety is paramount to this. With risks such as food poisoning ever-present as a threat, not just to the health of customers, but to the reputation of the business you're employed with, it's extremely important to become suitably qualified and tuned in to the potential risks. Awareness of the hazards involved with catering will lead to a kitchen that is on the ball in the fight against contamination.

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