No Smoking Area Sign

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No Smoking Area Sign

Ensure compliance and keep your premises smoke-free with our No Smoking Area Sign. This sign is part of our extensive range of No Smoking signs and E-Cigarette signs, available at discounted prices for bulk purchases.

It is crucial to inform others that smoking is strictly prohibited in certain areas, whether it be a workplace or a public building such as a school, library, or shopping centre. Failure to display appropriate no smoking signs can result in fines for businesses.

  • Choose from a variety of materials:
    • Recycled Plastic
    • Composite Aluminium
    • Self-adhesive Vinyl Stickers
  • Displaying the correct signage is essential to avoid penalties and ensure a smoke-free environment.

At The Sign Shed, we pride ourselves on being one of the leading online sign providers in the UK since 2014. Our products and services have received a 5-star rating on

We specialize in safety signage, banners, and personalised signage. Our knowledgeable and customer-focused team is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality products and expert advice.

Shop online or visit our HQ in Yorkshire to discover our industry-leading innovations in recycled material signage, all proudly made in Britain.

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